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Masterpiece Cookware Z Set - Grande


The Masterpiece Cookware Grande Set is our biggest set and perfect for large families or productive cooking. With the combination of elements in this set, the possibilities are endless. The unique mix of the superior metal 316L, the Accuthermal Compact Bottom and specific design guarantees healthy food cooked at low temperatures. All of the components in our set are designed to work in combination so that you can cook a number of meals simultaneously on one heat source.
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Verkaufspreis € 3525,00
€ 2643,75

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RRP-PREIS € 3525,00
ZepterClubPreis € 2643,75
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Gesamtpreis € 2643,75
Lieferung bis zu 7 Werktagen
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The Masterpiece Cookware Grande Set is our biggest set and perfect for large families or productive cooking. With the combination of elements in this set, the possibilities are endless. The unique mix of the superior metal 316L, the Accuthermal Compact Bottom and specific design guarantees healthy food cooked at low temperatures. All of the components in our set are designed to work in combination so that you can cook a number of meals simultaneously on one heat source.



This Masterpiece Cookware set comes with spectacular cookware pieces and a minimum 30-year quality guarantee. The toxin-free materials used in the production of the Masterpiece cookware are behind the revolutionary cooking system that guarantees better tasting, healthy food with fewer calories. The set includes the popular 28 cm diametre, 3.8 litre frying pan with 2 handles, long and short, for ultimate convenience. It is specially designed to fry best steaks, chicken or fish without using added fats and essentially at low temperatures.

Zepter`s innovative URA non-stick technology guarantees the food does not stick to the pan and is free from carcinogenic fumes. The Grande set also includes a magnificent 7.0 litre Master Cookware Pot – 24cm in diameter and 16.5 cm tall – which is perfect for preparing everything from soups to roasts in large quantities. The set also features the versatile 2.0 litre Casserole Pot, which boasts the URA non-stick technology.

Ensuring full control of the food preparation process is a top feature of the Masterpiece Cookware experience, and so the Zepter Radio Digital Thermocontrol is the new device that enables a completely automated cooking process from beginning to end.

The set comes with a number of other amazingly useful utensils such as the multi-functional lids, which can be used for washing vegetables, for preparing ingredients for cooking, or as a hot cookware stand; a multi- purpose bowl, used for serving salads and other dishes, and for storing food; an ingenious grater, which can be used to grate vegetables or cheese directly into the pot, or as another level of the Stacking System. 


Highest Quality Materials: The 316L high-quality stainless steel used in the production of Masterpiece Cookware is exclusively used in applications where material quality matters the most: in surgical instruments, body implants, exclusive watches and other luxury products. This specific type of steel is non-porous, does not burn food while cooking, does not oxydise, does not retain food odours, causes no allergies and it is easy to clean. These qualities make it ideal for cooking food in a healthy way. And when the Syncro-Clik® lid is added, the highest quality cooking vessels are turned in a turbo cooking experience.

Ingenious Design: The Zepter lid fits perfectly on the pot edge hermetically sealing it to create the Closed Circle cooking process and to prevent spillage of food during cooking. This smart design does not allow cooking odours to escape from the pot thus leaving your home remaining fresh. The multi-purpose lid can also be used as a protective stand or for serving food.

Safety: Ergonomically designed for comfortable use, Zepter safe handles do not  overheat so you can not burn yourself while cooking. They are oven safe in which case they do heat up and need to be handled with caution. Another intelligent and practical solution enables you to rest the lid on the handles.

Healthy Cooking At Low Temperatures: The bottom of each Masterpiece Cookware pot is made of 3 layers of metal to induce, conduct and accumulate heat. A unique pressing machine that exerts 2000 tons of pressure is used to join the three-layered bottom with the body of the pot making it impossible to separate. The bottom of the pot accumulates energy from even the smallest heat source and transfers the heat quickly and evenly to the pot while the conductive properties allow for cooking at recued heat so that cooking proceeds at low temperatures. Cooking at low temperatures is essential for protecting the food’s nutrients from being destroyed, which is the case when food is cooked on high temperatures, and also saves energy up to 70%.

Non-Stick Technology: Zepter URA technology is a new revolutionary non-stick technology, altering the metal bottom surface of the pot at the molecular level. No harmful and toxic coatings are applied thus making the cookware absolutely safe to cook healthy and delicious meals.

Less Fat: Research findings show that cooking with Zepter products in comparison with cooking in conventional cookware preserves 72% more vitamin A, 252% more calcium, 336% more phosphorus, and as much as 83% more iron. Natural fats found in meat are released during grilling in the Masterpiece Cookware so no additional oil is needed for cooking. This means that the meat cooked in such a way contains 67% less fat and chicken 51% less fat than the natural fat content. This is good news for people with high cholesterol levels. And it’s also good news for those of us at risk of cancer since 62% of all cancerous disease, (breast, colon, prostate, kidney), is caused by high-fat diets, obesity and poor food preparation using added fat, oils, salt and substandard utensils.

Temperature Control: With the Zepter Thermocontrol, the desired temperature and time are set in just a few seconds at a mere touch of a button for a fully automated cooking. Imagine all the things you can do with this extra free time!

Technische Daten

Masterpiece Cookware Z Set - Grande

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